Please Join Us

We Would Love To Hear From You!
Please e-mail us or write to:
T. Ostler
1455 Roosevelt Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Are You Feeling Left Out?
We want YOU to be able to participate in this great reading program! Please send your address, your age or reading preferences, and a $5.00 donation to cover shipping and we will send a "Paul's Pass-along book" to you.

Service Project Opportunities
Are you looking for a service project or Eagle Scout Project? You might consider promoting literacy in your community. What about collecting books in Paul's memory and donating them to a local school, children's hospital, or family shelter? You can create your own bookplates or we have bookplates available for your use if requested.
Please send us information about your project. We would love to know how Paul's Literacy Program and Paul's love for reading is affecting your community.

If you would like to help us promote this reading program, we would gladly accept donations to:
The Paul Gordon Ostler Memorial fund for Children's Literacy